Dear Birchwood Community,



We are thrilled to announce that Birchwood Elementary has been named a NJ School of Character for 2021.  Character.org, is a national advocate and leader for character education, which certifies schools and districts at the state level that demonstrate a dedicated focus on character development which has a positive effect on academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate.  They have designated 76 schools and 1 district as State Schools of Character for 2021.  We are so proud of our Birchwood students, families, and community members for encompassing our core values of H.E.A.R.T. (Honesty, Empathy, Acceptance, Respect, and Trust).  We truly could not have achieved this without your teachings, support, and compassion. Our Bulldogs have continued to show H.E.A.R.T. in so many ways.


 A few programs that have helped us become a NJ State School of Character and endeavors that we will continue to build upon are: Promising Practices through Character.org: Kindness Ninja’s (2019) and Kind H.E.A.R.T’s (2020), Accentuating mindfulness, positivity, & social emotional learning (Smart Start) , Morning Meetings, Service Learning projects, Student Council, Mini Olympics, and our partnership with the PTA. 


We couldn’t have done it without the dedication and efforts of our students, parents, community members and staff. GO Bulldogs - Keep showing YOUR H.E.A.R.T!